Thursday, November 18, 2010

Journal Excercise 6 - Colour and Culture

Personal experience

Over view:
Fact - According to recent surveys Vancouver is the most desirable place to live and 4th for for the quality of life that one gets living here. The government uses this to its advantage by selling the perfect image of Vancouver as a picture postcard (Europeans generally have this perception of Canada being the perfect place to live). Vancouver seems to be interpreted as a separate land that is unique to B.C, and the rest of Canada. In some respects this is true, but put the natural harmony's of the landscape and trees aside and you are left with a consumer industry that is very much government controlled with heavy taxes, generally high living costs and housing that is way over priced, with people suffering and trying to live the Vancouver dream. Outsiders almost never hear about the struggles of addiction, alcoholism and homeless on the streets. They never hear about the almost weekly killings of 'targeted murders." This may just be the price we have to pay to stay in a place that is referred to as "The Best Place on Earth". What a load of un-awesomness!

• Imagine a Vancouver without the mountains and sea, would you still be here?

• Imagine having a cell phone that charges you for ONLY the calls you make?

• Imagine a divide of water between Canada and the States?

Positive associations = Sea, Fresh Water, Sky, Peace, Knowledge, Coolness
Vancouver is surrounded by sea, with the mountains defining the sky and clouds, making the whole experience for the viewer and active person more enlightening.

Negative associations= Detachment, Coldness, Depression, Apathy

Vancouver is very rich in natural resources e.g., fresh water & wood. Since the Liberal government has been making unruly decisions without always consulting/informing the people, before draining lakes and transporting fresh water into the States for a fee. The high costs of living means that people spend more of their earnings on housing than anywhere else in Canada. Perhaps they are working so hard they don't get to enjoy the things Vancouver has to offer.

Positive associations= Nature, Growth, Healing, Success, Youth, Harmony
Vancouver portrays itself as a hub of nature and healthy living. Encouraging recycling, buying organic, fair trade, making your home energy efficient etc. You see more people out running, cycling, skiing and rock climbing that many other places in Canada and yoga studios are everywhere!

Negative associations= Greed, Envy, Corrosion
OK, buying organic is great, but the justification for the price some times just doesn't make any sense. Why would the same product/brand in one store be more expensive than another? In some cases I have found the bigger stores to charge more, especially for organics. Are they captalising on the ethos people have created in order to 'be' a Vancouverite? De-forestation is a BIG problem, with the Goverment selling off wood to the states for a cheaper cost. The states however sells its own logging off for a higher fee.

Positive associations= Purity, Simplicity, Truth, Cleanliness
Canada generally has a very good reputation when it comes to democracy and diplomacy. Canadians are renowned for their politeness, are considered peacekeepers internationally and are perceived to welcome immigration.

Negative associations= Fragility, Isolation
Immigrants that I have met (I am one too) as well as Canadians new to Vancouver, have found it very difficult to settle here and find the quality of life that Vancouver 'promises' and that we had at home. Employment opportunities are few, they seem to be based on certificates and education, rather than experience and opportunities to prove yourself (equal opportunities). Workers generally only get 2 wks holiday plus 11 statutory holiday (England offers 5 weeks), and the national minimum wage hasn't grown with inflation for the last ten years. Is Vancouver becoming a slave driven society while offering the incentive to come here with open arms, to be comforted with a A&W cheese burger and fries contemplating why?

Positive associations= Energy, Passion, Excitement, Power, Love
The obvious choice of red is based on the national flag - with the use of red complemented by the maple leaf. Again representing Canada as a natural resource that is unique to the rest of the world.

Negative associations= Aggression, Anger, Revolution
I was surprised, and still am, by the number of targeted shootings that you hear about in news. then there is the downtown/east side problems with drugs and prostitution that has been such a part of Vancouver for so long that they have a community that takes care of each other, that is continuously trying to get their voices heard and validity within society increased.

Describe content, materials and display - connections between colour and culture?

Car number plates - Blue, Green & White with Mountains in the background. "Beautiful British Columbia - The Best Place on Earth". This arrogance even annoys British Columbians.

BC Hydro - Blue, Green & White. Uses slogans like "Power Smart" to give the impression of ethics and the environment. (They have the consumer over a barrel as there is no competition and thus no real drive to increase productivity, cleaner energies and reduce prices. while the English Conservative government of the early 90's encouraged privatisation.)

Food - Well known for its Sushi with reds, greens, oranges, yellows (primary, complimentary, warm colours) - cultural links with Japan, immigration and further emphasis healthy living. This is a hard one to knock as the food here is pretty healthy but also very expensive. I have seen a red pepper selling for $3.00! Is that affordable when the minimum wage is $8.00.

Nature's Path - A Richmond based organic cereal company recently chosen as one of Canada's greenest employers. It's logos shows a river running through a tree laden bank, flowing into a distant sunset with birds flying in the sky. The surrounding frame is green.

Urban Environment - Small city low density. Has taken advantage of the natural environment by building sky rises with lots of space between other buildings (corridors) and the use of glass and mirrors, to provide people with that sense of nature and calmness.
Lots of new buildings being decorated with glass to help give the illusion of space and reflect natural colour and light. This helps to create more of an interesting space, even though people are in a ever growing metropolis that will inevitably grow in density and mass. picture an illusionist that general uses mirrors as a tool for inspiration. The reality is that there is very little low income, affordable housing.

Rex (Toy Story) - This relates to the boldness of visual graphics and heavy use of colours, and for Vancouver being a strong hub for the creation of computer games and animation. Vancouver FIlm School (VFS) students pay $50.000 for a years training in animation. Students are given the hard sell, shown statistics that they are garuentude to get a TOP job at the end of it and encouraged to apply.

Killer Whale - Again reference to the above, but the whale is also a symbol of nature and wildlife. People come from around the world to watch the whales.

Yoga girl - Vancouver is saturated with yoga studios that give add to the impression of the city being place of sanctuary and spirituality. You can't go anywhere without tripping over someone in Lulu Lemon Yoga gear or another carrying a yoga mat! But again, the stress of having to work long hours or simply find the money to pay the highest mortgage levels in Canada leave most people I know wanting to go to yoga instead of doing it.

Sports Teams - The Canucks use a blue and white Orca whale, need I say more. The Grizzlies use, well...a Grizzly on a teal (blue/green) background. These help to sell the idea of Vancouver.

Plastic lego trees - Trees line the streets, can be seen along the mountains, cover huge areas within the city in places like Pacific Spirit Park and Stanley Park. While trees are being cut down at an alarming rate, and in some cases clear cut strategically to give the illusion of mass growth a justification of this is that at least a percentage of trees are replanted.

Rainbow - A children's story book. Is there gold at the end of this rainbow?

Bill Read and The Inukshuk - Vancouver prides itself and markets itself on it Native Culture. Once you live here and get to know more about the real struggles of the natives you realise how far we still have to go to create healthy traditional communities.

Lego blocks - Condos, sky rises residential homes go up like lego.

Salmon crossing - Salmon is bright red at the peak of spawning, the yellow symbol represents the over fishing and pollution causing the slow decline in numbers. This is a constant concern. Will we always have salmon to stock the shelves at duty free in the airport?

Little Girl (my daughter): Every body wearing Canadian branded outfits (consumerism and patriotic).

BC Flag - Red, blue, yellow and white. The four wavy white and three wavy blue lines symbolize the Pacific Ocean and the Rocky Mountains. The setting sun represents that fact that BC is Canada's most western province. It was created in 1960.

Intrawest - Itself is a "Leader in Destination Resorts' was chosen because: 1. Vancouver markets itself and depends so much on tourism and 2. Uses the images of mountains and blue. The reality is that Whistler is virtually entirely foreign owned and at that sponsors are pulling out as we speak. Not to mention that it cost a phenomenal fee of $93. Can many families afford that?

Starbucks - Vancouver is a coffee culture! Everyone loves their coffee but not everyone drinks Starbucks as there is a real movement here for ethical coffee and 'good/stong' coffe. Starbucks continues to be a spreading francise that is like a parasite entering the ears of Canadians. Why the hell is there a Starbucks at Langara? Would it be nice to give a independent business idea a chance, where the concept, brand, interior has been designed by students?

Everyone is getting high on yoga, mountains and coffee in a sea of blue, green and white logos! Or are they?

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