Monday, October 25, 2010

Journal Excercise 2

Brief: 3 examples where the presence or absence of light has affected your behaviour?

$ Store
On my first visit to the store I was excited about finally buying something cheap in this city. The store is very basic with one member of staff at the cash desk with the space brightly lit with cheap lighting, and lots of open space to move up and down the isles like a young child looking to discover the already discovered. The primary and secondary colours from the cheap packaging start to influence my will power and sense of nostalgia, as you start to fill your basket with cheap crap for the sake of crap, purchasing things I wouldn’t normally buy. For example: 2 packets of chips, 6 packets of stickers (for my daughter), and 8 packs of self-adhesive notes. It funny because every time I now go there I stay longer, trying to look for some thing I don’t really know I’m looking for. This is a big part of the attraction for me. I also think the wide open space and bright lighting makes me focus more on the customers and staff, and I tend to interact more with people than what I would normally do in a place such as a supermarket. People generally seem ethier happy or miserable, no real in between... being surrounded by cheap things that cost a $1.25 is always a plus, you just have to be more selective in your purchases.

My daughter’s room
This is a calming room that’s small in size with generally low lighting with the curtains pulled most of the time. I usually spend playful down time there with my daughter (Sadie 2 & 8 months) before bed. I feel there is definitely a BIG nostalgia element to the room, with all the toys, puzzles, teddies and primary colours, giving off a feeling of warmth and calmness. It’s a space I can express my child like ideas (mark making, building blocks) in a spontaneous playful manner, and in return be inspired by my daughter. I some times even close my eyes and make a wish!

To me this place is like the master bedroom. The main light bulb blew when we first moved into the suite over a year ago, and I haven’t felt the need to replace it. What’s left are 2 small lights either side of the small mirror over the sink. This wasn’t intentional but it works well, creating a calming ambiance that makes the whole experience of being there refreshing, enlightening and a place to gather my thoughts and stay focused, before entering the world of little people, diapers and a computer screen.

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